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"OPEN-SET bangles deliberately throw the focus on both ends where different brands communicate their design and innovation excellence to clients."

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ELLE: we want a different gold ring

ELLE: we want a different gold ring

"Parmi les cadeaux symboliques que l'on aime recevoir ou s'offrir, il y a les bijoux. Et parmi les bijoux, il y les bagues en or."

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INSTORE: Trail of lavender

INSTORE: Trail of lavender

Our Swinging Short Earrings are featured in the Instore magazine.

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VO+: Jewels of the day

VO+: Jewels of the day

Marie Mas' Dancing Cuff in the selection 'Jewels of the day' of the VO+ Daily.

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POINT DE VUE: Nouvelle vague

POINT DE VUE: Nouvelle vague

"La créatrice Marie Mas insuffle de la vie dans ses bijoux. Les tiges de diamants sont mobiles et donnent un mouvement aux pierres selon la forme du doigt. Une bague avec un brin de magie disponibl...

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PARIS DESIGN AGENDA: Some of the best jewellery designers in Paris

PARIS DESIGN AGENDA: Some of the best jewellery designers in Paris

"The French savoir-faire in jewelry is known all around the world, and the mythic houses of the capital didn’t forget to teach the new generation how to do. I invite you to take a look at the best ...

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DIAMONDS IN THE LIBRARY: faves from las vegas jewelry week!

DIAMONDS IN THE LIBRARY: faves from las vegas jewelry week!

"I wanted to see Marie Mas so badly that I scheduled an appointment with her for the first hour of the first day of Las Vegas Jewelry week."

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TOUTMA: The gemstones that I love

TOUTMA: The gemstones that I love

"MARIE MAS, collection "bijoux vivants" or rose, pierres qui se tournent et se retournent avec Améthyste et Topaze."

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THE EYE OF JEWELRY: A bold and daring spirit

THE EYE OF JEWELRY: A bold and daring spirit

"There are very few people who master the art of jewellery, and even fewer who seek to revolutionize it. But Marie Mas is both."

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PURETREND: These earrings worthy of our favorite fashion icons

PURETREND: These earrings worthy of our favorite fashion icons

"Pierres en mouvement pour la sensuelle Sophia Loren. Boucles d'oreilles "Swinging" de Marie Mas en or rose, améthystes, quartz roses, topazes Bleu de Londres, topazes Bleu Suisse, topazes bleu cie...

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