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Article: VO+: Noteworthy

VO+: Noteworthy

VO+: Noteworthy

"Dancing Waves,
It is an electrifying winter season for Marie Cabirou, designer for the Parisian brand Marie Mas, which opened a new showroom in which to receive its customers in October. The opening of the location, in 30 rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine, coincided with the launch of the innovative Wave collection, inspired by the free and sensual movement of ocean waves."

This article features Imperial Waves Earrings

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HOW TO SPEND IT: Movers and shakers: seven cool kinetic jewels

HOW TO SPEND IT: Movers and shakers: seven cool kinetic jewels

"The former Christian Dior Couture designer’s Moonlight King Wave ring incorporates a clever mechanism that allows rainbow moonstone-studded pins to adjust to the shape of the wearer’s finger, cr...

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FIGARO: Des bijoux sans camériste

FIGARO: Des bijoux sans camériste

"Alors que chez la jeune marque française Marie Mas, les pierres changent de couleurs au gré des seuls mouvements du corps. « Le travail sur la mobilité me fascine", explique la créatrice Marie Cab...

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