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Article: VOGUE: Swinging Stones jewelry by Marie Mas

VOGUE: Swinging Stones jewelry by Marie Mas

VOGUE: Swinging Stones jewelry by Marie Mas

"Fresh from the Dior ateliers, the young designer’s first collection comes in shades of topaz, amethyst and soft quartz to dance and play amongst your fingers.

Swinging stones is more than just a pretty name. It’s the raison d’être for the collection from designer Marie Mas. Soft colors sit on rope necklaces, bangles, earrings and rings where inspired settings allow the tassels of topaz, amethysts and quartz to turn and dance with the body’s movements, setting the stones to sparkle as they change color. A playful touch on the changeable jewelry of the 1920s, to toy with in your hand and change the color with your mood."

This article features Swinging Earrings, Dancing Open Ring and Dancing Earrings

*Read the full article here.

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BLOUIN SHOP: Inside an alternative jewelry box

BLOUIN SHOP: Inside an alternative jewelry box

"The highly personal creations are often expressed in quarts, topaz and amethysts in graduated shades of pastel pink and light blue on pink gold, and are literally defined by the wearer’s own gestu...

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Marie Mas' Swinging Earrings on the cover of the SOLITAIRE INTERNATIONAL magazine.

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